
Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1- Ugly Card Day!!

Suzanne Dahlberg at The Card Yard decided to have a little fun on April Fools Day!! Today we are posting an ugly card... one of those that when you look back... you say "What WAS I thinking?" Well, to be honest I really have a bunch of those, LOL!! Now, this all about you posting your own ugly card/s. She's set up a linky on her blog so go the link above to add yours!!

I'm posting two lovelies for your viewing pleasure, LOL!! You can see my mad coloring skills on these... hope I've improved a little since then!! Still have a ways to go in the coloring department!! These were originally posted on SCS as I didn't have a blog at the time. You can also see my fantastic pic taking skills- the one below isn't even straight!!

Hope you're having a wonderful Monday!!

Thanks for stopping by!! Love when you do and appreciate all the kind words!!


  1. Okay, these aren't even that bad, Vickie! Now I know they are not anywhere CLOSE to what you make now, but the layouts are at least pleasant to look at :)! The stitching and the purple and green did get a slight giggle from me. And I only laughed at the coloring because you said it was MAD, heeee. Okay, then I really cracked up wat your picture taking remark, because I noticed how bad my own photos were, too. Like super-close with no border!!

  2. This is one of my very favorite blog seeing what everyone things is their worst card. I don't think these are the worst I have ever seen, I have a couple that are so much worse, but you really have come a long, long way since these two cards Vickie!

  3. I totally agree. These aren't that bad Vickie. But I must say, your cards these days are the bomb! Absolutely beautiful! I've actually started missing seeing your WMS Sketch Challenge submissions! You're always one of my faves! :)

  4. I'm gonna agree...
    these are not that bad...
    it's just that I know what you're capable of doing now...
    and that's what's throwing me! :)
    And what's wrong with crooked pictures? *giggle*

  5. Besides being a hoot, it's so awesome to meet new people through this hop! I'm happy to be your new follower, Vickie! (How exciting, you're almost at 100!) As far as your cards, you've definitely improved, as have we all, thank goodness! I agree that the top card is pretty bad, but the bottom one I actually like a lot!!

  6. Hi Vicky,

    I do remember you from MFT days!! Good to see you again. Your coloring skills are definitely better now, but these really aren't all that bad.

  7. If we didn't look back on our ugly cards, how would we know if we had gotten better, right? You're too funny with your "mad coloring skills". Glad you took your bite of humble pie today along with the rest of us! =)

  8. I have a bunch as well. I'm going to agree with everyone these are not so bad,even the photos are ok to me. It's fun to look back and at the time we thought these were great! Nice to emprove. So much fun!

  9. I like both cards! Each one is unique and very balanced to me! Wish I would have gotten in on this fun challenge!

  10. So Funny! LOVE how much your coloring skills and picture taking skills have improved!!!

  11. These two cards are far from ugly at all! I think it all depends how much we have improved and evolved! You definitely had great attentions to the details! And that is so awesome! Thanks for stopping by my blog and cheer for my ugly card :)

  12. Vickie your cards are actually pretty, but I will say you have come a long way baby! It really was such a fun blog hop!

  13. Hi Vickie! Ok, these are so much better than my top 50 worst cards! I agree with you on the coloring, and know that your style has evolved wonderfully, but these aren't too shabby at all! Thanks for hopping with us! :)

  14. I always love seeing how far we have progressed in our card making skills!! You have to start somewhere :) Actually loving the colour combo on the first card and fun polka dotted paper on the second. Must go back and look at my first few pages on SCS.
