
Saturday, August 31, 2013

WMS Pajama Party- Tie a Knot In It

Well, I am off visiting family/looking at a roof for the farmhouse in Indiana etc. etc.  but, Clare posted early (well, she posted early the first time too) AND I was paying attention- I try to pay attention but, sometimes life gets in the way!!

Ohhh... and blogger's acting up when I am trying to schedule/post several things.

This card is for the knotty challenge- using the new WMS Tying the Knot set! Perfect for weddings but, I was thinking of my sis when I made this card- her job is a little "dicey" right now!
Thanks for stopping by!! Love when you do and appreciate all the kind words!!



  1. Vickie this one with the beautiful teal color! I had my cards done and posted to my blog but didn't have time to link up either I was not home either. Well we are now!
    Beautiful !

  2. How good of you to join the WMS pajama party even while you are away Vickie!! you really dressed up the knots here with the grey and lovely blue! pretty lace and ribbon on this lovely card!

  3. LOVE that BG paper! LOVE the colors! LOVE LOVE LOVE that sentiment! And your bow is divine! Fab card, Vickie!

  4. Absolutely gorgeous...
    as always!
    Love the colors you used with this...
    and that bow...
    just simply stunning! :)

  5. Vicki, so impressed with you background. Just the right weight for the beautiful sentiment!

  6. Love those knots in gray...what a fabulous look they give your card and that bow, just stunning.

  7. Such a lovely card, Vicki!! Great design, and I love the colours too. Have a lovely weekend!!

  8. Fabby card Vickie, such a lovely colour scheme and beautifully stamped!! Hugs for playing along with our PJ party and good luck in the challenges! Hope all goes well for sis!

  9. This is fantastic. I love your colors, and how you placed your enamel dots. And, cool way to have your sentiment on that stitched mat.
