This sketch was a big ole' thinking thing for me... I loved it but, dang, couldn't figure out how to "deal" with it and then, I let it go (actually went out with my youngest-18- and listened-and ate- and listened- and shopped-and listened-and relaxed- and listened- and had fun!!)
Once I relaxed, I was able to figure out a way to make those 4 rectangles at the bottom work for me, now that's not to say this is perfect but, I did it!! And I did it in a way that made me smile!! Yikes, I think I'm being a little too philosphical these days.
My card for the Waltzingmouse sketch challenge and used The Shabby Tea Room Colors...
Those perfect doilies at the bottom are from Waltzingmouse's Large Doily stamp set ( how clean and crisp is that??), sentiment from WMS Fancy Phrases, paper is Pink Paislee- Butterfly Garden, SU vanilla seam binding, SU 1" punch, light green pearls on the doilies from Pizzazzaplenty, linen twine from The Cats Pajamas, sparkler on the bow from Websters Pages!!
The sketch...

The Shabby Tea Room's inspiration pic... use yellow, green, and pink
My yellow is not as bright as my whole card is a "little" toned down but, the colors are there and I think I caught the shabby feel??!!
Thanks for stopping by, love to hear from you and appreciate any and all kind words. I'm a working girl so, sometimes I'm slow but, I do LOVE to stop by and see what everyone else is "up to" and how they interpreted the same inspiration/colors etc.!!
I have to say it, tomorrow's Friday, WhoooooHoooo!!